A Hundred Million Reasons Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 29132 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 146(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

“That sounds amazing.” She stood with an easy grace before turning back to him with a wink. “And we’re not likely to get into any trouble if we’re busy getting muddy.”

He gazed up at her, admiring the elegant curves of her body, highlighted by the setting sun. “I don’t know about that. I bet you’ll look pretty sexy muddy.”

Her grin faded as she crossed her arms at her chest. “So when do we sort things out? My appointment is this coming Monday. The doctor said I could cancel as late as the morning of, but…”

“I’m set to fly out Sunday afternoon,” Noah said, sobering at the reminder of just how serious she was about moving forward with her plans. “Why don’t we enjoy the next few days and agree to come to final decisions on Saturday. Sound good?”

She cocked her head to one side. “Not really, but I can tolerate a few days of uncertainty as long as I know you’re still seriously considering things.”

He stood, taking her hand in his. “I’m seriously considering everything about you. All I ask is that you do the same.”

“And what would you like me to consider?” she asked.

“Putting the baby plans on hold and giving this thing between us a shot. I can move up my plans to relocate to Lonesome Point, and we can date like normal people with no sperm sample hovering over our heads.”

She sighed, but she didn’t call him crazy again, which he decided to take as a good sign. “All right,” she finally whispered. “I’ll consider it, but that’s all I can promise. My past is still my past, Noah. No matter how much I would like to erase it, it’s a part of who I am and it’s changed me. I don’t know if I can believe in this kind of thing anymore. Especially, that it can be easy.”

He moved closer, pulling her into his arms. “Then I’ll just have to do my best to change your mind.”



By the time Yasmin got home Wednesday night, it was too late for her to be calling up anyone for some major life advice, so she waited until bright and early Thursday morning before phoning her friend Layla. If anyone could give her advice on how to move on after an ugly relationship, it was Layla Lawson. Layla might be living happily ever after with a red hot cowboy now, but not long ago she was in a marriage that gave new meaning to the word nightmare.

But she’d gotten out, learned to trust her own heart again, and moved on with the man of her dreams.

Yasmin hadn’t wanted to bother Layla with her questions before—she knew Layla had her hands full with her new baby—but now she didn’t see any other way forward. She needed advice, and she needed it now before she did something she would live to regret.

“Good morning,” Layla said, delight clear in her tone. “Your ears must have been burning. I was just talking about you.”

“Really?” Yasmin smiled. “Good things I hope.”

“Great things. The hotel hasn’t been the same since you left. The spunkiness level at the front desk is down at least fifty percent. Is this the call telling me you’re coming back to town at the end of the summer, so I don’t have to hire my maternity leave replacement full-time?”

“Sadly, no,” she said, nibbling her lip. “Or maybe not so sadly. I’ve sort of…met someone. Here in Lonesome Point.”

“Really?” Layla sounded surprised but covered it by adding in an enthusiastic voice. “Well, that’s great! Tell me all about him. Is he okay with the whole single mom plan and everything?”

“Um, well, he’s kind of the sperm donor.”

“What!” Layla sucked in a breath. “Oh my God, you’re kidding me.”

“No, we met and things just clicked in a totally weird way. But it feels so right, Layla. Noah is so sweet and understanding and—”

“And sexy. He’s a total hunk, right?”

“Yes, he’s a total hunk,” she said, her cheeks heating as she remembered what it felt like to be pinned beneath him on the quilt last night. “But he’s also smart and gentle and crazily, he seems to feel the same way about me that I feel about him. Like there’s this connection between us that we can’t ignore.”

Layla made a thoughtful sound. “And why is that crazy, babe? You’re a pretty impressive package, yourself. Sweet, beautiful, smart, funny, and one of the best friends I’ve ever had.”

Yasmin blinked against the unexpected stinging at the backs of her eyes. “Well, thanks. But I’ve also proven I’m not always the best judge of character, Layla. What if I’m making a mistake, taking this guy at face value?”

“This is about Clint, right?” Layla asked, her voice sobering. But she had every reason to be sober. Clint had killed her brother-in-law’s first wife and left scars on the Lawson family that would never completely heal, no matter how many years passed or how many new loves were found or new babies were born.


