A Hundred Million Reasons Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 29132 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 146(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

“Teensy is as well as can be expected, but let’s talk about you, darling,” Mrs. Feeney said, surprising her. “What’s this I hear from your mother, about you raising a baby all alone?”

As Mrs. Feeney set her back on her feet, Yasmin mentally scrambled for the best way to put a quick end to this conversation. She couldn’t look over her shoulder to see if Noah was watching the exchange from across the restaurant—she couldn’t risk him seeing her face—but she sensed her luck was running out. She had to play to Feeney’s concerned citizen side and hope it would override her meddling one.

A glance behind the older woman revealed the long table on the right side of the restaurant was packed with people dressed in bright blue. The members of the Sunshine Society were out in force, fortifying themselves for a day of spreading love and good will throughout the community and Yasmin intended to use that to her advantage.

“I would love to talk about that sometime,” Yasmin said, pasting a smile on her face. “I’m sure you have some interesting thoughts about single parenthood, but I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t bring up some Sunshine Society business first. Did you know that the man with the reptile exhibit next to my mother’s petting zoo only had two paying customers yesterday? Two! And he went to all the trouble to put together such a nice selection of snakes and lizards and some giant toads that are a real thrill to look at.”

Mrs. Feeney’s plush face dimpled. “Aren’t toads amphibians?”

“They are,” Yasmin said, nodding as she inched toward the exit. “But I think when it comes to reptiles and amphibians it’s the thought that counts.”

Mrs. Feeney’s confused expression deepened.

“And the thought here was clearly a need to share a love of exotic, cold-blooded creatures with the people of Lonesome Point,” Yasmin hurried on. “And if that’s not worthy of some special attention, I don’t know what is.”

“Well, I—”

“So, if you could swing by his exhibit today and have a look around, that would be so great,” Yasmin said, reaching for the door. “And we can talk more then. I’ll be helping Mom all afternoon and have nothing but time to listen.”

“All right, then.” Mrs. Feeney shook her head gently. “But I hope you will listen, dear. I know how you are when you’ve got your heart set on something, but raising a baby alone is hard work. And I can’t help thinking this sperm donor thing is a bad idea. I mean, this man might look good on paper, but who knows what he’s really like. For all we know, he could be a serial killer, too.”

Yasmin’s stomach bottomed out, and a sour taste flooded through her mouth.

It was the worst thing Mrs. Feeney could have said. The absolute worst. But before Yasmin could recover from the verbal punch to the gut, a deep voice sounded from behind her, proving her firmly held belief that no matter how bad things are they can always get worse.

“It’s true; I could be a serial killer.”

Yasmin turned slowly until she was gazing up into the very sexy, very unamused brown eyes of none other than Noah O’Sullivan.



Before Yasmin could think of the right thing to say at a moment like this, Mrs. Feeney broke into nervous giggles. A moment later, she had bustled around Yasmin, knocking a small stack of menus off the hostess stand as she moved toward Noah with her hand held out.

“So you’re the donor! Oh my goodness, you are handsome. And so tall!” Mrs. Feeney turned back to Yasmin, blue eyes wide in her moon-shaped face. “Isn’t he handsome, Yasmin?”

Yasmin nodded slowly, too sick to her stomach to think of anything to say.

“And you two would have a beautiful child,” Mrs. Feeney continued as she claimed Noah’s hand and pumped it up and down. “I hope you’ll forgive me for my comment before. It’s just that I’ve known Yasmin since she was a tiny little baby herself, and I worry about her. She’s always been headstrong.”

“I can imagine,” Noah said, meeting her gaze over Mrs. Feeney’s head. “Her e-mails have been very…determined.”

“Determination is the most important tool in the quest for satisfaction.” Yasmin tried to smile, but her lips only trembled a moment before going limp once more. She cleared her throat, willing her flagging confidence back to life. Determination couldn’t go it alone. She had to get Confidence in the ring to help out. “If you’ll excuse us, Mrs. Feeney, Noah and I clearly have some things to talk about.”

“Of course,” Mrs. Feeney said, clasping her hands beneath her chin. “I’ll catch up with you later, dear. After I’ve had a chance to check out those reptiles you’re so concerned about.”

As Mrs. Feeney bustled away—no doubt in a hurry to tell the rest of the Sunshine Society all about the sperm donor drama happening on the other side of the restaurant—Noah’s brows drifted higher on his forehead. “Reptiles?”


