A Curse of Blood & Stone – Fate & Flame Read Online K.A. Tucker

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 152
Estimated words: 145704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 729(@200wpm)___ 583(@250wpm)___ 486(@300wpm)

“Can we not remove her?” Romeria’s form was now an empty shell, preserved by whatever power remained within the jagged horn still protruding from her chest. What Sofie had done could not be undone. She would never wake in this body again.

“Pull the token from her body and watch her shrivel and rot?” Malachi’s lips curved into a wicked smile. “I could, though I think seeing her—seeing them both—is a good reminder of what we have accomplished together. Do you not agree?” He gestured toward the stone coffin.

Sofie followed his direction.

And buckled with a gasp, pawing at the empty space where Elijah lay only seconds ago. “Where is he? What did you do with him?” she cried out. She had often wondered if this form she had protected and dressed and doted over for the past three centuries was an illusion, a mighty trick of the mind that had her believing the flesh beneath her fingers was real. If that was the case, it was one she welcomed, for if she could not look upon Elijah’s face every day, she would go mad. “Please.”

“As you wish, my love.”

In the next instant, Elijah was back as if he had never left, Sofie’s hand resting on his shoulder.

Her relief shook her knees. Another ploy by the cruel fate.

Malachi’s beady eyes scoured the details of the four totems surrounding the sanctum altar. “Being here within the realm, my power flowing freely in whichever way I wish, always invigorates me.”

Within these pillars was the only place he could channel his power in this world without using her as a conduit. Did he spend his time in other realms too? Answering summons from other desperate creatures such as herself? She never dared ask, nor did she consider not summoning him daily. The risk of earning his wrath was too great.

Sofie swallowed. “Once Romeria opens the nymphaeum, you will send me to the Nulling so Elijah and I can pass through, yes?” That was still the plan? From what Malachi had described in sparing detail, the Nulling served as a thruway of sorts between worlds. A space where creatures could be easily banished but not as easily released.

The stone floor of the vault shook beneath Malachi’s footsteps as he rounded the coffin. He never concealed his earthly form with trivial fabrics and had come to expect the same of her. Which is why she always shed her clothes at the door to the vault and why now, upon seeing how his body was reacting in anticipation of hers, she climbed onto the altar without question.

“Do not worry. You two will be reunited.” Malachi’s hands were like vise grips as they settled onto her knees, prying them apart. “And you will be a queen.”



We’ve moved at a relentless pace all morning, having abandoned camp minutes after Zander left our wagon. There was nothing to do but stay buried within the animal pelts, bracing against the bumpy road, my mind consumed with deciphering Ianca’s ramblings until Gesine coaxed me out of my dark thoughts. From there, I spent hours attempting to create a simple ball of water in my palm using my caster affinity to Aoife.

I couldn’t manage so much as a drop.

By the time we stop for a break at midday, I am anxious to escape the confines of this wagon. I need back on a horse, ideally without a companion. Something I never thought I’d wish for.

The mountain range in the distance temporarily distracts me from my mission, the expanse of jagged, white-tipped peaks both mesmerizing and daunting as they ascend into a thick sheet of gray cloud. My feet stall in the middle of the bustle as I admire the view.

“Are you trying to get run over?” Abarrane steers her horse around me. “It’s like you have never seen mountains before.”

“I haven’t.” It’s my first time seeing anything like this landscape in either world. But I’ll have plenty of time to stare at them in the coming days and weeks.

“Eventually, you will wish you never laid eyes upon them.” With that stark warning, she leads her horse away in a trot.

“Can’t wait.” I continue on my course, spotting Zander. He’s where I hoped he’d be, and I march toward him now, my heart skipping beats with anticipation of being near him again.

He’s mid conversation with Elisaf, but his gaze snags on me, and he can’t seem to peel away as I get closer, the smile he’s wearing secretive. “You seem intent on a specific purpose.”

“I am.” Two, actually, beyond seeing Zander’s face again.

“Your Highness.” Elisaf bows dramatically.

“My lord,” I mock, earning his laughter as he walks away.

A curious frown touches Zander’s brow as he watches his friend’s retreating back. “What is that about?”

“An inside joke.” That I don’t want to waste my time explaining when I have more important things to discuss. “I have a theory about what Ianca said.”


