A Cosmic Kind of Love Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Contemporary, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 123
Estimated words: 117177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 586(@200wpm)___ 469(@250wpm)___ 391(@300wpm)

“It’s your girlfriend, and I bring food,” Hallie said into the intercom.

Grinning, I buzzed her in and unlocked my door. The clack of her heels coming up the stairs made my heart beat faster.

Then suddenly she was there, smiling a little wearily at me as she gestured with a large takeout bag in her arms. “I hope you’re hungry.”

Reaching out into the hall, I hooked my finger around the belt on her dress to pull her into me for a kiss and took the bag out of her arms with my free hand. Hallie’s soft lips pressed hard against mine, and I tasted something sweet on her tongue. I broke the kiss and her breath hitched. “Orange juice?” I murmured, nipping playfully at her lower lip.

Hallie grinned. “Mimosa. I snuck in one toward the end of the event, and believe me, I needed it.”

“I sense a story.” I led her inside and took the takeout into the kitchen. “Plates or out of the containers?”

“Containers are fine.” She kicked off her shoes and flattened her feet onto my hardwood floors with a groan that sounded so sexual my body couldn’t help but react. “I’ve been dying to get out of those all day. New shoes are a bitch.”

Any amorous thoughts I had dissipated at the sight of her slumped shoulders as she walked over to the counter to peer into the containers. “You okay?”

“Demanding bride and groom. Wait until you hear what my people-pleasing ways got me into today.”

Once we had settled on the couch together, the TV on but just a murmur in the background, I asked her what happened.

Curled up on the end of my couch, knees drawn toward her chest, container of Chinese food in hand, Hallie looked tiny. A surge of protectiveness rushed through me at the way she squeezed her eyes closed, as if in pain. The feeling was not new to me when it came to her. In fact, it had been gathering momentum and strength ever since we started dating. I reached out to stroke her knee. “Now I’m worried.”

Her eyes popped open, and I relaxed as she gave me a somewhat crooked smile. “Oh, no, it’s not bad. It’s embarrassing but not bad.”

I waited patiently for her to continue.

“So . . . everything was going swimmingly at the engagement party when suddenly the bride and groom approached me and told me they had an issue to deal with and needed privacy in the ladies’ restroom. Could I guard the door for them?”

Already suspecting what was coming next, I grimaced for her.

Hallie groaned. “God, you know already, which just makes me the most naive person on the planet.”

I squeezed her knee, trying not to smile in sympathy and failing.

“I took them at their word, and they slipped into the restroom and I stood guard, turning people away, fibbing about a plumbing issue and that it would be resolved soon. That was fine. Until the sex sounds grew audible.”

I almost choked on my kung pao chicken.

“Uh yeah. And they were loud. So loud that people were staring and were visibly outraged. I panicked.”

“What does that mean?”

“I started to sing ‘Sweet Caroline’ at the top of my voice.”

I couldn’t stop a loud explosion of laughter because that mental image was hilarious.

“Stop!” Hallie’s cheeks flushed red as she prodded me with her foot. “It’s not funny. There I was, this lunatic, singing ‘Sweet Caroline,’ waving my hands and trying to get everyone to join in.”

It was difficult to voice the question around my laughter, but I asked, “Why that song?”

“The bride’s name is Caroline.”

“Well, that makes sense.”

“You’re still laughing.”

“It’s really funn—” I couldn’t finish as I gave another bark of laughter.

Hallie, thankfully, was laughing too.

Grinning adoringly at her, I eventually asked, “Did it at least work?”

“Yes. And by the way, kudos to the happy couple for their stamina, because I got through the entire song, and by the second verse, the guests joined in. So the bride and groom walked out of that restroom, looking thoroughly fucked, to a hundred people singing ‘Sweet Caroline.’ The bride was generous enough to share with me that the second chorus brought her to climax, and now ‘Sweet Caroline’ is forever tainted for me.”

Still chuckling, I gestured to her. “Come here.”

“What? Why?”

“Come here.”

Looking bemused, Hallie set her food on the coffee table and crawled along the couch to me. I kissed her as soon as her lips were within reach. When I finally let her up for air, she gazed at me in a dreamy, dazed way that made me feel fifteen feet tall.

“What was that for?”

“Because you’re adorable and sweet and funny, and your boss does not know just how lucky she is to have you working for her.”

Hallie practically melted into my side. “You don’t think I’m a people-pleasing moron?”


