2 Cherries for My Dad’s Best Friend Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 26170 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 131(@200wpm)___ 105(@250wpm)___ 87(@300wpm)

Killian lets out a low sigh while staring at a selection of felt fedoras.

“Yeah, I’m kind of in a tough spot, huh? It’s been years since Marie passed, and I remained true to my wife for years. I loved Marie, and didn’t touch another woman until just recently. But a man has needs, and I finally signed up for one of those dating websites.” He lets out a disgusted grunt while scrubbing his cheeks with both hands. “Fuck, I’ve only been on LoveLifeLive for three months, and the rumors are already out of control.”

“They’re more than just out of control, Uncle Killian,” I say in a low voice. “It’s gale-force winds out there. Women are searching high and low for the man with double guns, and to be honest, I don’t know how your name hasn’t circulated yet.”

Killian shoots me another wry look.

“It’s because I’ve been using a fake name and fake photos on LoveLifeLive, sweetheart. I don’t use my real name and stats. Hell no.”

“Are you serious?” I gasp, eyes wide. “No way! You’ve been catfishing your dates?”

He smiles ruefully.

“I guess you could call it that. I mean, I hope I look somewhat like the model in the stock photos, at least. But yeah, no one knows my real name and deets.”

I shake my head.

“Yeah, but you know that it’s only a matter of time before one of your dates snaps a photo of you on her iPhone. Seriously, it could have happened already. Creepers are everywhere these days.”

Killian hangs his head, defeated.

“Not to mention the fact that everyone has an excellent camera phone now. Goddamit. I guess I’ll have to wrap up this dating profile thing then,” he barks mirthlessly. “Fuck. Back to the drawing board.”

But then, an idea strikes.

“Well, I could help you, Uncle Killian. If you want, that is.”

Immediately, his head lifts and those blue eyes look at me curiously.

“What do you mean, sweetheart? How so? I’m all ears because I’m between a rock and a hard spot. I need to get laid, but all the normal channels are off limits to me. Hell, even if I used a working girl, it’d probably just mean trouble. They have cameras in massage parlors, you know. That’s how they cracked down on that billionaire who was using an Asian massage parlor down in Atlanta. What was his name again? Oh right, Robert Kraft.”

I nod.

“I know Robert Kraft. Or rather, I know of him because why in the world was he even using an AMP? The guy’s a billionaire so he could easily afford something more private and upscale, the way Eliot Spitzer did.”

That only makes Killian even more dejected.

“That’s right, Spitzer was caught in a prostitution sting. Goddamit. If wealthy, powerful men like Kraft and Spitzer can be outed, then I’ll definitely be outed too. Fuck, it’s a no-win situation.”

I bite my lip with hesitation.

“Not exactly, Killian. I can help.”

Slowly, his dark head comes up, those blue eyes blazing as they meet mine.

“Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, Leah?”

I smile winningly and cock my hip to one side.

“Maybe. Why don’t you hear me out, Uncle Killian? Then you can decide whether you want to pursue this solution … or not.”

With that, the most important conversation of my life begins.



Oh shit. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. Or rather I want to do this because Killian Jerome is a virile alpha male, and he’s just the man to claim my innocence. After all, I’ve never gone all the way before, and Killian is exactly the domineering, vigorous, yet tender and gentle lover to shepherd me my first time.

I don’t know why I haven’t been more aware of Killian in the past. I suppose it’s because the older man has always been my dad’s best friend, and he was married for a really long time too. I loved Aunt Marie, and together, she and Killian were like a second set of parents to me. A fun set of parents who let me eat candy and stay up late, but parental units nonetheless.

But I suppose in the last few years, things have changed. For one, Aunt Marie passed away, and so Killian became a single man. But it’s more than just his relationship status. It’s that my dad’s friend is actually going out, dating, and creating a stir among the women of Allentown. That, and the fact that he’s drop dead gorgeous and suddenly available has all of my senses on high alert. I can feel his masculine presence, and I’m attuned to him in a way that I never have been before.

“So what did you have in mind?” he drawls, black brows up in the air. “I need you to say it, Leah. I can’t put words into your mouth when it comes to something like this.”


