10 Inches – Multiple Love Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 121
Estimated words: 113880 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 456(@250wpm)___ 380(@300wpm)

“I’m sorry. You're right. I should have called.”


“And I'm sure you have everything under control.”

“She does.” Theron’s hand on my shoulder is heavy, his voice so deep and determined that Grace takes a tiny step back.

Take that, Kirsty, and her stupid minion.

“Well. I guess…just call me if you need any help with anything.”

“She won’t need to, but that’s a kind thought.” Tom rests his hand on my other shoulder.

“Okay. Right.” Grace shuffles faster over the hardwood to the door than I’ve ever seen her walk. Theron and Tom move their hands so I can follow, still dripping with hot tub water as I go.

Grace turns as she steps outside, her attention behind me at the wall of gods waiting to make sure I’m okay. Her eyes meet mine and a small smile flickers at the edges of her lips. “I really should have taken this assignment.”

I don’t know whether to laugh or tell her to fuck off, so I do neither. Kirsty might have wanted Grace to write this article, but this assignment was meant for me. These men were meant for me, and the very thought of Grace’s hands on them, replacing me in every scenario we’ve lived through, fills me with viciousness.

“I’ll see you next week.” I step back, hand already on the door, ready to shut her out.

“Yeah,” she says. “Yeah, you will.”

I don’t watch her leave. What would be the point? There are ten men inside this house whose company I enjoy way more than Grace’s, and it’s time to get back to them.

She’s done me a favor because her arrival has made me realize one thing. The days are passing fast, and we only have so much time together before the outside world pulls us all in different directions.

I’m not wasting time.

The days are going to be seized…hard!



Allie’s colleague leaves with her tail between her legs because our girl stands up for herself with an epic force that makes us all so proud. We stood by her side for support, but we didn’t need to. She had it all under control.

After she shuts the front door and braces herself, inhaling and exhaling a few times, I grab her wrist. “You did good.”

She smiles brightly, it feels forced. “I need to get back to Jonas.”

“I’ll walk with you.”

The rest of the guys disperse, talking quietly while fixing themselves drinks or heading back to the pool. The strange interruption into the peace of our day has passed, but the rippled impact lingers. “Is she trouble?” I ask, blinking into the bright sunshine as we make our way to the hot tub.

“I thought she was my friend.” Allie tugs her dress closer around her body, ducking to get through the narrow walkway surrounded by exotic flowers.

“And now?”

“Now I’m not so sure. I never picked up any jealousy between us before, but I think she resents me for being given this assignment.”

“What did she see?” I ask. I heard the whispers that it was explicit, but I want to find out for sure.

“Oral sex.”

Jonas is still in the hot tub, braced with both arms outstretched against the sides. It’s so secluded in this part of the property that I get why Allie felt comfortable enough to fool around out here. He straightens when he sees Allie and then his focus moves to me, eyebrows raising in a question. What the fuck are you doing here? I can practically hear the words from his tightly pressed lips.

“What happened?” he asks, refocusing on Allie as she unfastens her dress and slips naked into the hot tub like nothing’s wrong. I’m hard at just the fleeting sight of her perky tits and curvy ass as her body disappears beneath the bubbling water.

“She’s gone. She threw a few accusations around.”

Debating whether I should make my excuses or get into the tub, too, I rest my hands on my hips. “And Allie defended herself perfectly.”

“Good for you.” Jonas reaches out and cups her cheek, and I’m immediately jealous of the easy affection between them. This arrangement was my idea and I’ve had to wait in line behind seven other men for my chance to be with Allie.

Allie presses a kiss into his palm, and the jealousy surges again. “I have a feeling she would have been all over you guys if she was given the assignment.”

“She was jealous,” I say. “Jealous that you were getting all the attention. She’s that kind of woman.”

“You could tell what kind of woman she is from five minutes of observation?”

I move to sit on the edge of the tub, my legs still outside of the water. “I can tell a lot of things.”

“So, tell me what kind of woman she is.”

It’s a challenge that she believes I’ll fail, but I’m confident in my abilities. “She goes out every weekend and picks up a new guy. She tells you it was just a one-night stand, but she’s secretly hoping he’s going to want more, which he doesn’t. She’s on a high while she waits for his call, but by Tuesday, she hits rock bottom and eats a load of chocolate or baked goods to cheer herself up. She tells everyone everything. No secrets. She wears clothes that are too revealing for the office and allies herself with the queen bitches. She has no relationship with her father…” I trail off, closing my eyes to trawl my brain for anything else I have to add.


